Chris Long Foundation

As a member of The Chris Long Foundation's Waterboys' team, we embarked on a mission to raise money to help bring clean, sustainable water sources to Tanzanian communities in need. As a team, we collectively raised $150,000. Enough funds to construct two, 10 thousand liters-per-hour wells, that will serve tens of thousands of people for years to come.

I created an array of email, social media, and physical promos for the fundraiser. I was responsible for the t-shirt design, ad design, copy, and the social media strategy & roll out for a successful fundraiser. 

Water is love.

Here in the western world, we often take for granted the ease at which we have access to clean water. Clean water? That's a given.  But something seemingly so simple, has profound effects on communities. Water gives people a true chance at life. Water not only quenches thirst. It promotes equality.  

With this concept, my goal was to create a simple yet powerful slogan. A slogan that will not only stick in people's minds, but will be passed around our social media world with ease: Water is love.

Make it stand out.




Seattle Times Content Studio